www.spab.ac.in - /vacant_position/2023/1023/
[To Parent Directory]
10/30/2023 3:17 PM 100416 02-Provisionally ShortlistedJS.pdf
10/30/2023 3:17 PM 95253 03-Not ShortlistedJS.pdf
10/17/2023 10:25 PM 171865 Corrigendum on relevant disciplines for the post of Assistant Professor and Associate Professor.pdf
10/14/2023 6:56 PM 91273 Exam Pattern (Group A Positions).pdf
10/14/2023 6:56 PM 85190 Final List for Interview-MO.pdf
10/14/2023 6:56 PM 85306 Final List for Written-Interview-AL.pdf
10/14/2023 6:56 PM 89519 Final List for Written-Interview-SA.pdf
10/14/2023 6:56 PM 83082 Final List for Written-Interview-TO.pdf
10/17/2023 10:25 PM 209469 I Collect Steps.pdf
10/17/2023 3:45 PM 15836 Not-shortlisted candidates for the post of Professor.pdf
10/28/2023 11:08 AM 198548 Project Associate Advt. for CENT Project.pdf
10/17/2023 3:45 PM 15771 Shortlisting of candidates for the post of Professor.pdf